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65 Briarwood Circle Worcester, MA 01606

Celiac Disease Info

Celiac Disease (CD) is a digestive disorder.  People with this condition have trouble processing the protein gluten. Gluten comes from different grains; therefore, foods like bread, pasta, cookies, crackers, etc., are difficult to absorb.

People who have CD sometimes suffer damage to the small intestine and may go on to develop a myriad of problems.  The condition can mimic other illnesses, and some people who had been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome actually have CD.  When the disease occurs in children, growth can be affected.

What are some CD symptoms?  They vary but might include the following:

  • Flatulence or Diarrhea—Okay, little explanation is necessary.
  • Bloating—Maybe an overly full sensation or the appearance of a swollen abdomen.
  • Weight Loss—An inability to properly absorb certain fats, proteins, and carbs can lead to insufficient nutrient intake and loss of weight.
  • Anemia—Low red blood count typically results from low iron or inability to readily absorb the vitamin B12.
  • Cramping or Weakness in Muscles—Magnesium and/or potassium malabsorption can cause tingling, pain, or weakness in muscles or limbs.

Certain people with Celiac Disease are asymptomatic.  Other Celiac sufferers can go into a latent phase.  In both situations, it is possible that these individuals may develop symptoms in the future.

What tests are available to check for CD?  Blood tests can look for certain antibodies or other abnormalities.  To reinforce suspicions, an endoscopy may be performed.  During this procedure, tissue samples might be extracted for further examination.  CD can run in families.  Therefore, when one family member is diagnosed, other relatives are sometimes tested: particularly if they have suspicious symptoms.

So how do you treat this condition?  By adhering to a gluten-free diet.

After an initial CD diagnosis is made, it is wise to seek the guidance of a dietician.   Luckily, there are a number of products on the market that are Celiac-friendly.  At one time, people with this condition had to search out-of-the-way stores for specialized offerings.   Many mainstream supermarkets now carry an array of items.

Celiac Disease is a condition that sometimes affects many facets of a person’s life.  Thankfully, with the proper dietary changes, damage might be reversed and normalcy restored.