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65 Briarwood Circle Worcester, MA 01606

It’s Only Natural to Want Natural

More people today appear committed to seeking out natural products than ten to twenty years ago.  Yet, adhering to an all-natural lifestyle can be a challenge.


While most of us are unwilling to lock ourselves away in a seemingly unspoiled environment, there are steps we can take to reduce certain risks.  Here are some ideas.


  • Consider oil-based repellents. Insects can be a bother both inside and outside, especially in the summertime.  Fortunately, there are relatively harmless ways to address certain bugs.  For example, oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, jojoba, lemongrass, and citronella can be an effective deterrent in some situations.  Just place the oil or oils in a bottle, add water, and spray the areas of concern.  Actually, peppermint oil is even great at repelling mice, although the treatment should be repeated every three weeks or so.
  • Read ingredients.  Who would have thought that unsafe materials could be included in our favorite lipstick, cologne, foundation, or night cream?  Unfortunately, a number of beauty items contain questionable ingredients.  Over time, toxins can build up in the body.  Because of this, seek out organic products as much as you are able; they’re typically devoid of unpleasant elements.
  • Choose natural cleaners.  Sometimes our go to cleaners contain hazardous chemicals (and there’s usually warnings on the back telling us so).  Fortunately, effective cleaners can be made with natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice.  However, be sure that whatever you are using is compatible with what you are cleaning.  For example, vinegar and lemon juice should not be applied to marble or granite because staining could occur.
  • Avoid plastics.  Plastic was once thought to be a panacea for nearly effortless transport.  Yet, many now realize the chemicals in plastic can leach into foods (this is especially true if heat is thrown in the mix!).  Consequently, resist storing plastics in warm areas.  At the same time, do not microwave meals in plastic containers.  An even better idea?  Look for BPA-free plastic (bisphenol A-free), or, use glass!
  • Buy organic.  Organic food is more expensive than conventional groceries.  Nonetheless, these products are often free of antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, artificial additives, MSG, fertilizer residue, genetically modified ingredients, etc.  Is organic the prototype for food excellence?  Probably not.  Still, it tends to be a healthier choice.


We do not live in a perfect world.  Subsequently, perfection is impossible.  Yet, even minor changes can diminish the risks.  So, whenever possible, go for it!