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Protecting Your Sight

Macular Degeneration is a condition that gradually impairs an individual’s central vision and is a primary reason for vision loss in the senior population. Central vision allows the eyes to observe the vision field. However, when the macula inside the retina suffers damage to the nerve cells, center vision is affected.

Macular abnormalities can occur in people of all ages, and this condition is known as macular degeneration, as well. Still, the more familiar definition of the term is associated with an age-related condition called age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Age-related macular degeneration is typically separated into two categories: dry and wet. Dry AMD accounts for 90% of the cases and usually develops in stages. Significant vision loss may or may not occur with this form. Wet AMD is less frequent but almost always considered serious. People who get wet AMD will have had dry AMD first.

Why is wet AMD so damaging? Leaking fluid from abnormal blood vessels could result in rapid vision loss. There are treatments, such as laser surgery and drug injections, that may slow the progression of wet AMD.

What symptoms are associated with AMD? Blurry sight, less definition to objects or faces, words become harder to discern, dark spots might appear, and straight lines could seem fuzzy or irregular in shape. An eye doctor will often do a thorough exam to look for signs of AMD.

Are there steps you can take to reduce the risk of AMD? Yes, if you smoke, try to quit. Also, choose healthy foods filled with nutrient-rich vitamins and antioxidants, exercise, control high blood pressure, wear UVA & UVB coated shades when out in the sun, and take steps to lose weight if you are obese.

What therapies are available for AMD? Some doctors have found that certain antioxidant supplements might slow AMD progression. Treatments such as laser surgery and eye injections (as mentioned above) also hold some promise. In addition, there are multiple devices, such as bioptic driving aids and electronic magnifiers, which can help assist with vision loss.

Most of us cherish our eyesight and will do whatever is necessary to help protect it. Maintain regular visits with your eye doctor, eat healthy, stay at a reasonable weight for your height and body frame, take supplements if recommended by your ophthalmologist, choose the proper outdoor glasses, and you will be taking some vital steps to help safeguard your sight!