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65 Briarwood Circle Worcester, MA 01606

Religion and the Nursing Home Resident

Not every person follows a religious platform, and there are well-adjusted people who do not adhere to any particular doctrine.  However, elderly individuals who do consider themselves religious greatly benefit when the observance continues in a changed environment.

Studies have shown that worship strengthens a persons sense of worth and makes them more at ease within their surroundings.  Women who ceased attending services were more likely to suffer bouts of depression.  Men who stopped also experienced some degree of alteration in mood but not to the same extent as women.  One theory rests with the idea that in addition to the religious component, women also tend to form social ties.  Subsequently, if they lose the service, they lose communal support, as well.

Research has also indicated that religion enhances coping skills and health. Interestingly, elderly individuals who regularly worship tend to realize longer survival rates, have lower blood pressure, and benefit from stronger immune systems.  So what does this mean?  If your loved one has a religious history, it would be beneficial for that relationship to continue.  If your loved one was never particularly devout but begins to show an interest, it could be wise to encourage his or her participation. Listed below are a few thoughts to support religious connections in the nursing home setting:

Structured Services.  Your loved one may wish to attend a prayer or worship service; perhaps encourage that desire.

Prayer Space.  Maybe set aside a small prayer area in the room.  This will allow your loved one the opportunity to retreat to the space whenever he or she feels the need.

* Religious Symbols.  Religious symbols remind us to pray when we may otherwise forget.  Whatever symbols your loved one holds dear will likely bring comfort and strength.

Prayer allows individuals to see beyond challenges, and faith could assist your loved one in coming to terms with situations that may otherwise seem overwhelming (like health limitations).  Frame of mind is crucial to mental and physical well-being; religious observance appears to have a positive affect on both.  Amen!